The Pokemon franchise isn't afraid to push its own boundaries. Its chief developer Game Freak shows time and time again that it knows how to keep Nintendo's RPG franchise feeling fresh with every generation. In many Pokemon games, Game Freak shakes up the formula by introducing a totally new mechanic of some kind. Mega Evolution was one of the most famous mechanics brought to the Pokemon series, however. First introduced at the beginning of Generation 6 in Pokemon X and Y, Mega Evolution allowed Pokemon to achieve new heights of power once per battle, opening up a new range of tactics while greatly expanding on the franchise's lore.

Mega Evolution inspired a lot of successors, including Sun and Moon's Z-Moves and Sword and Shield's Dynamax. However, while Mega Evolution persisted through Generations 6 and 7, it's since fallen out of favor. It doesn't appear at all in Pokemon Sword and Shield. It's always possible that Game Freak will bring back Mega Evolution in Pokemon's Generation 9, but fan opinions are split on whether or not the mechanic deserves to return. There's some very valid arguments on both sides. On the one hand, Mega Evolution offers a list of Pokemon forms that deserve to have a permanent presence in the franchise, but on the other hands, game balance issues might mean Game Freak should let Mega Evolution rest.

The Case for Pokemon Mega Evolutions


Mega Evolutions should come back in large part because of its mechanical advantages over the similar Gigantimax mechanic from Sword and Shield. Gigantimaxing gives certain Pokemon new Mega-esque appearances that don't need Mega Stones to use. Compared to Mega Evolutions, though, Gigantimaxing has significant drawbacks. Aside from a chunk of bonus HP, Gigantimax lacks the stat and type changes that make Mega Evolution mechanically compelling, and between Gigantimax's three-turn duration and restriction to certain game areas, players don't get much use out of it. Mega Evolution just gives players more options than Dynamax and Gigantimax do.

There's also a lot of valuable untapped design space in Mega Evolution that Game Freak could make use of. Pokemon Sword and Shield lets players Dynamax nearly any Pokemon in the right circumstances, with a few specific Pokemon getting bonus Gigantimax forms. In contrast, Mega Evolution is only available to a select few Pokemon so far. There's around 900 Pokemon in the franchise to date, but there's only 46 Pokemon who can Mega Evolve. There's too much remaining potential for interesting Mega Evolutions with unique appearances and stat changes for Game Freak to stop making Mega Evolutions forever.

Arguably the most important reason that the Pokemon series needs Mega Evolutions to return is the completionist angle. The whole Pokemon franchise is built around the theme of seeing and collecting every Pokemon in the world, even though there's many hundreds of them. If Mega Evolution is gone from Pokemon forever, then there's dozens of Pokemon forms that hardcore collectors can never get, which would surely frustrate many. In other worlds, the Pokemon world isn't complete without Mega Evolution. Now that the mechanic has been established, it's an important part of the world that deserve to keep making an impact.

The Case Against Pokemon Mega Evolutions

pokemon go mega gyarados tyranitar

In spite of the arguments in Mega Evolution's favor, there's a couple good reasons that Mega Evolution doesn't need to come back. For one thing, it introduced some significant balance issues to the Pokemon franchise, including Pokemon PvP. Mega Evolutions gave huge stat buffs to a player's Pokemon of choice, which stands to reason, but had an uneven impact across the board. Certain famously powerful Pokemon like Charizard and Salamence became even more unstoppable once they Mega Evolved, giving them a boost in competitive power that they really didn't need. To bring back Mega Evolution now, Game Freak would either have to rework its stat buffs entirely or simply accept the mechanic's collateral damage.

There's an additional case to be made that Pokemon simply doesn't need Mega Evolution anymore. Gigantimax may not be as impactful long-term, but it serves the same purpose without needing Mega Stones, making it much more approachable. Frankly, Mega Stones are perhaps one of the biggest reasons Pokemon could consider dropping Mega Evolution permanently. Since Pokemon need to hold them to Mega Evolve, Pokemon with Mega Evolution have vastly reduced options in held items.

More importantly, though, simply obtaining Mega Stones can be a huge hassle. Players either have to hunt for stones during specific hours or by completing endgame objectives. In other words, players often won't be able to Mega Evolve many of their Pokemon until they're at a point in the game where they don't really need to. Between balance issues and the occasional slog of actually getting access to Mega Evolution, Game Freak couldn't be blamed for moving on to greener pastures.

Mega Evolution Could Still Have a Future

pokemon go niantic twitter mega pokemon incoming artwork

It's worth noting that Mega Evolution is already making a bit of a comeback. Pokemon GO has Mega Evolution now, introducing an Energy mechanic to replace Mega Stones. Mega Evolved Pokemon have a frequent presence in the game's raids, and players can Mega Evolve their Pokemon to bolster teammates whose Pokemon share a type with it. It's great to see Mega Evolution appear in Pokemon GO, getting some much-needed visibility after its omission from Sword and Shield. Game Freak doesn't develop Pokemon GO, but it could use Niantic's mobile game as a reference in rebuilding the mechanic for Pokemon's Generation 9. Now that the mechanic is seeing some use again, fans might be expecting it in the next game.

There's definitely ways to revive Mega Evolution. Even if it creates a significant amount of extra work for Game Freak, it's far from impossible to rework the mechanic's stat changes and the accessibility of Mega Stones. After playing an important role in two generations of Pokemon games, it may be unfeasible to totally eliminate Mega Evolution without leaving Pokemon feeling like it's missing something. With these things in mind, hopefully Game Freak leans into Mega Evolution rather than being fearful of it. Mega Evolution was a good change for the franchise, spurring each generation of Pokemon to come up with its own twist on combat. Maybe someday soon Game Freak will revive this part of Pokemon's heritage while making its mechanics better than ever.

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